Monday, September 8, 2008

Why I Run?

As a kid I found myself running to the play ground instead of walking mostly because I was excited to be playing outside but also because I enjoy running. Instead of swinging with all the other 5th grade girls and gossiping about boys with cooties, I race boys in the field. As a kid I played just about every sport: soccer, basketball, gymnastics, baseball, cheerleading, and swimming. I believe if I hadn't played so many sports as a child I wouldn't enjoy exercising and running as much as I do today. When I entered middle school I joined the track team, this was the point I first decided I loved to run. When I say I love to run most of the time I mean short distances. I succeed more at the 200 meter distance rather than 2 miles. Recently I have found myself running further distances just for exercise. Running gives me time to think and time to myself, which I value greatly.

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