Monday, September 8, 2008

This is Why I Run...

My whole life I've been in love with the water. I've swam since I could walk. I never thought there would be a better feeling than after a swimming workout. But then my freshmen year I ran crosscountry. At first I hated it, every minute of it, but as my body got use to hitting the pavement I started to love it...and to need it. My relationship with running has been on and off the past four years, but this year I've decided to really commit. So, why do I run? I feel free. When I run, it's just me and the road. I love the rhythm of my heart beating fast and the wind on my face. Sometimes it's tough getting through a run, but the after effect is always worth it. I feel energized and alive. We all do something to keep sane, and staying active is my stress reliever, my pain reliever, and it never fails to put a smile on my face. So I guess I run because it keeps me healthy and happy :)

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