Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why I Run

While sitting down to write this, I found myself having problems pinpointing a specific, individual reason for why I run. There are numerous reasons. The first of which is my love for athleticism. Running is the simplest and purest form of exercise. What better way to stay in shape and cleanse your bodies of impurities than to run? The second reason I run is because it cleanses the mind. I’ve heard it said that one of the main reasons one needs eight hours of sleep a night is for your mind to incoherently "soak up" the memories of that day. I think running has that same power of recollection. Whenever I run it helps me remember what assignments are due and what needs to be accomplished that day. I also run to relax. Running can be an excellent relaxation tool. An easy jog can seemingly clear away the stress of each day. Anxiety just seems to vanish with every sweat drop that falls. Lastly, I run because of my intense competitive nature. Competition and the energy that arrives from that captivate me in every way. I am sure there are many more reasons, but these are the fundamentals for why I run.

Why I run?

Why do I run? Thats a question I've never thought much about until now. I guess the main reason I began running was because of my father. He participated in many races when I was younger and often went on daily jogs. I used to beg my mother to take me to the races to watch and even begged my father to let me tag along on the daily jogs. I admired my father for finding something to keep him in shape and something to make him feel great about himself. I wanted that too. So whenever I was a little older my mom put me in little races around our town. I was trying to discover myself and make myself feel great. I kept running races up until I was in highschool when it no longer seemed as important to me. I found other ways to excercise and express myself. Ways that were more me and not my father. I still run every now and then but now I run to stay in shape and let out frustration. Running still makes me feel good about myself but in a different way than it used to. I don't do things anymore just because someone else does, I do things for myself.

Why I Run...

Why do I run? I run for myself. I participate in many activities and have a lot going on in my life. Running is something I am able to do independently and escape all of the frustrations I may be having. In life you have to rely on people a lot of times because life takes a great deal of teamwork (not to sound cliche) but running is something you can do alone or with others.
When I run, I like being able to get myself anywhere that a car or other means of transportation would not allow me to go...Running is a means of exploring and being adventurous....especially when running on a new trail. As a little girl, I was always running around getting lost because I was "looking for an adventure." I would disappear into the woods behind our house playing and exploring with my friends for hours at a time. Well, as a college student, I still look for adventure. I fulfill that urge to explore by running...running not only lets me explore the great outdoors but also explore my mind and relieve my frustrations on the road.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A run continued

A continuation of the previous run.

Running through the past (READ THIS ONE FIRST)

Here's a link to a once upon a time run I had.

Why I ran, run, and will run

In years past I ran because it was liberating. I ran with my dog, after my dog, away from my dog. I ran through fields, through the woods, through the house. I ran because it felt right. Like I was meant to run. Maybe I was meant to run. Maybe we're all meant to run. Especially at a young age. It surely helps us develop motor skills. It helps us find out where we stand in regards to other's abilities when we race each other as children. I ran because I could and ran because I was pretty good at it. Was I good at it because I ran or did I run because I was good at it. Maybe both. At six and a half years old I ran a mile in 6 minutes and 30 seconds. Maybe I could have been a good runner in the pure sense of just running. As time passed I faded from running for the sake of running to running because I was chasing a soccer ball. Soccer became somewhat consuming and I soon ran because the coach said go or whistled. This ofcourse was so I could run on the soccer field. Later I became a bit more disciplined and ran because I knew if I didnt' I would not be able to run on the soccer field. At least not for long. After my life as a soccer player passed (I played in college) I returned to running for its liberating effects. I ran in the woods. I took to running through the woods because I loved the forest. I loved the birds chirping, the soft ground and leafy trees that absorbed my foot steps. It was quiet. Running in the woods. I soon turned to running on the road. Not so much because I enjoyed it over running in the woods but mostly because it was more convenient. I found it quicker and easier to step outside and run, as opposed to driving to a trail so I could run in the woods. I still enjoy running in the woods. I just don't get to as often anymore. Now I run to stay fit. To stay young (or at least I tell my self I'm still young). I run to chase the guy in front of me. I run to stay away from the guy behind me. I run to think, to not have to think, to breath deep, to feel the burn, to not feel the burn, to chase antelopes, or elude lions.

"Everyday in Africa an antelope wakes up and knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Everyday in Africa a lion wakes up and knows it must outrun the slowest anteolope or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or an antelope--when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."

-Anonymous runner

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Starting Out

The blog will be for the Presbyterian College Interdisciplinary Studies Class (a Freshman only classs) titled "Why We Run". It is based loosely around running and Bernd Heinrich's book titled "Why We Run". Students will enter data and journal entries here and reflections. Check back as often as you wish and see our progress.
